N-Dimensional Rigid Body Dynamics
July 2020
Marc ten Bosch
SIGGRAPH 2020 Technical PaperAbstract
I present a formulation for Rigid Body Dynamics that is independent of the dimension of the space. I describe the state and equations of motion of rigid bodies using geometric algebra. Using collision detection algorithms extended to nD I resolve collisions and contact between bodies. My implementation is 4D, but the techniques described here apply to any number of dimensions. I display these four-dimensional rigid bodies by taking a three-dimensional slice through them. I allow the user to manipulate these bodies in real-time.
This is underlying research for 4D Toys and Miegakure.
4D Toys Trailer
@article{tenbosch2020NDrigidbody, author = {ten Bosch, Marc}, title = {N-Dimensional Rigid Body Dynamics}, journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.}, DOI = {10.1145/3386569.3392483}, volume = (39), number = (4), year = (2020), issue_date = {July 2020}, month = {jul}, articleno = {55}, numpages = {6}, pages = {55:1--55:6}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3386569.3392483}, }