Mailing List Options

A quick note for those on the mailing list: If you only want to be notified of Miegakure’s release date and nothing else, I just added a new category on the blog.

You need to register here and after logging in, only check the “I only care about when Miegakure is released” box, and uncheck everything else.. Sorry about the 2 step process and the spam.

You can also unsubscribe on the mailing list page

9 Responses to “Mailing List Options”

  1. daniela says:

    I am afraid what we need is an option “If you would like to be a beta tester, click here to open 4th dimension and start your download”………… 🙂

  2. Poopyman says:

    Teh boxes iz noot dere!

  3. Martin says:

    Ironically, your ploy to reduce unwanted messages has resulted in more redundant emails!

    Keep up the good work on the game though 🙂

  4. Hilamonsta says:

    Poopyman here

    Boxes found, mission accomplished 🙂

  5. Leroy says:

    I wonder if you can give a ballpark number on when you have an assumption we could possibly expect Miegakure, for the public.
    Within 6 months? 12? 2 years?

    I am very eagerly looking forward to playing it!

    (quite giddy even)

  6. Chris says:

    Very eagerly awaiting this game. The last game I waited for this eagerly was Metal Gear Solid 4. 🙂

  7. qaddomi says:

    Great job
    I think anyone can understand the concept of 4th dimension of we
    Played this game on 3d tv. It will be very clear to understood

    Same as we are watching the movie on our 2d normal tv and our brain
    Understand the 3rd dimension in the movie.

    I think this game is important step in human development