I figured I should post a screenshot of what the game has been looking like lately. Please note these are not the final graphics. There are a lot of things in this screenshot that we’re going to change, but it gives you an idea. This was printed on a postcard for GDC.
Please, release this soon, before all of us become senile and have to move to a nursing home…….
I agree. I want this game sooooo much!! Please release soon!
I’ll do my best!
I’m really looking forward to this game.
This by far is the game I’m looking forward to the most. Just release something and take my money goddammit!
Looks interesting. Keep up the great work!
Yeah, please release it soon! Then you could start work on Miegakure 2, which would have all of the stuff you wanted to put into Miegakure 1 but couldn’t because you were pressured to release it early by an impatient public.
I want to know if you have a demo or trial or something like that, i do really want to play this, even if it is just 2 levels..
There won’t be a demo for a while.
Looks good!
I am very excited for this game, and anxious.
But don’t let the pressure cause a premature release! One solid game is better than two games.
Keep up the good work!
As suggested earlier, you could improvise in version 2 and provide a version 1 or a beta for testing.
yes! an update!
please give me beta 😀
your game is awesome.
Publishing early and updating often is an option you have, ala Minecraft, but I don’t know if that suits your game. The idea behind it is so intriguing, we want to know what is will be like, but it will be more immersive if it is all contained in one perfect gems, like Portal. I’d love to see mod tools or at least a level editor, so we can keep playing more and more levels.
Yeah. These are pretty much my thoughts.
You’re a genius for being able to think
in 4 Dimensions. I look forward to this.
It’ll be one of the best games in the world.
I can’t wait for this game ^^
Marc, take your time and polish it all you’d like. Don’t be like the big-houses that rush their release dates because fans demanded it and then drop the ball on the end product. Do what feels right and don’t release it before YOU think it’s ready for us. We’ve waited this long, we can wait a little longer. Patches for things after are great, but whats the point in releasing if in the first month you have 18 patches?
I’m itching for it, but I can keep scratching.
Hi Marc, since the 2010 IGF I’m looking forward to see your game released. Nevertheless I agree with Bamfy : take your time to make the best game you can, it will definitly be worth it !
I’ll be waiting for new entries in my RSS reader.
Take care
I agree with most of these comments. I’m very much an adventurous type, and there’s little I want more than to explore new dimensions.
You’re sure to be able to pull off a pre-order system. The Minecraft-y idea is nice, but I think Wolfire’s method would suit Miegakure better. The waiting fans could send you money to keep you going and can sit back with the knowledge that they’d receive access to the game as soon as it’s done.
Especially with xkcd’s wonderful little bit of ‘advertising’, you’ll be rolling in dosh within weeks. Days, perhaps.
Rake it in, perfect it, become satisfied.
Your move.
As stated before; take your time! Don’t rush and release a bad product! And doing like Mojang and Minecraft might not fit the gameplay style for your game (as it does with Minecraft).
Although I wish you would do as a lot of other indiedevelopers – release an awesome game and add more features later on. This allows you to release the game early (with all details tweaked to perfection), and we (who’ll get it) will feel like you actually care about the product.
Even as a WiP that is really good! 😀
If only I can travel through the fourth dimension just to be able to play this game… 🙂
Can you translate the game release date on the fourth axis from the future to now. That would be pretty neat 😉
sounds awesome 🙂
looking forward to this
Stopping by to tell you that you should release your ga- just kidding 🙂
I agree that a pre-order would be a great idea at some point in the development process. Not necessarily along with a beta release, even just pre-ordering the game at some reduced price (once you have an idea what you want the base price to be)
I know I’d pay for it.