Monthly Updates now on Patreon

You can support the development of Miegakure and related work with this Patreon I originally made for my quaternion article/video (Let’s remove Quaternions from every 3D Engine: An Interactive Introduction to Rotors from Geometric Algebra).

In many ways Miegakure is more than a game:

  • It is revolutionizing how people explore scientific concepts with games
  • Its YouTube channel is an educational tool in its own right with millions of views and many thousands of subscribers
  • Scientific research developed for the game is published alongside it, etc…

If you would like to support us, the Miegakure team would be very grateful. I have never asked before, even though I could have, because it would not have mattered. It matters now!

I will also post exclusive previews of what we are working on!

Thank you for supporting the small team behind the game!

I have been really liking the ability to post more often, and more privately on Patreon!

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Thank you for being kind 😊